
Developing and maintaining an enterprise-wide recognition that the organisation is managed for the benefit of the customer, taking reasonable account of the interest of other legitimate stakeholders.

Strategic Research

We undertake significant activity to develop and enhance our collective knowledge of economic, environmental and social topics. We do this through close collaboration and partnership with industry and research institutions which undertake leading-edge road and transport research, such as:

  • Austroads
  • ARRB Group Ltd
  • WA Road Research and Innovation Program
  • Planning and Transport Research Centre
  • Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre.

We conducted a Futures review to identify new trends, technologies and business models that might impact the transport sector from around the world. This review will be updated periodically to ensure it remains fresh and that we understand the global and local context in which we operate. Visit our website for more information.

Complaints Handling Process

We provide an accessible, fair and equitable complaints handling process, meeting Australian Standard for Complaints Handling, AS ISO 10002 – 2006. Fifty per cent of respondents to our complaints survey, last year, judged our handling of their complaint as satisfactory. We conduct a monthly complaints handling survey to:

  • check compliance to process and commitments
  • assess customer perception
  • identify staff training requirements
  • investigate and resolve reasons for non-compliance
  • identify opportunities to improve customer experiences.

Information regarding our process is provided to staff through our intranet and to our customers through our website.

Social Media Guidelines

Our Social Media Guidelines raise employee awareness of their responsibilities when using social media, whether in a professional or private capacity. The Guidelines help employees to identify opportunities where social media can improve communication for events and campaigns.

Sustainable Procurement and Buy Local

We apply the Western Australian Government’s Buy Local Policy and prefer local providers in our purchases, as the benefits to industry development and employment are recognised. Buy Local Policy clauses are also included in all our tender documents and tender assessments. This year we started engaging with Aboriginal businesses to provide works, goods and services.

In addition, we give recognition to our contractors who employ or engage Aboriginal people and businesses. Our procurement efforts go beyond the requirements of the State Supply Commission policies, including the Sustainable Procurement Policy. This policy requires demonstration that sustainability has been considered in procuring goods and services.

Reporting for Buy Local is extracted from information contained within the Department of Finance’s Tenders WA website. Data is not yet available for the current year. The table shows percentages of work locally awarded over the last three years.

Awarded to businesses located within the ‘prescribed distance’ of a regional delivery point as defined in the Buy Local Policy
2013 (%) 2014 (%) 2015 (%)
Metro Regional Metro Regional Metro Regional
n/a 71 n/a 57 n/a 51
Awarded to a ‘local business’ as defined in the Buy Local Policy (Target 80%)
2013 (%) 2014 (%) 2015 (%)
Metro Regional Metro Regional Metro Regional
96 100 99 91 91 88

Freedom of Information

Certain documents can be obtained under the Freedom of Information Act 1992 (the Act). An information statement, which has been produced in accordance with the requirements of the Act, is available on our website. The statement provides a guide on how to obtain documents from us under the Act as well as information or documents available without a formal application. During the year, we received 51 applications. Our Freedom of Information Coordinator can be contacted on 138 138.

Public Interest Disclosures

We are committed to the aims and objectives of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2003. We recognise the value and importance of contributions by staff to enhance administrative and management practices and strongly support disclosures being made by staff regarding improper conduct. The Public Interest Disclosure Guidelines are available on line to all staff.