Key Performance Indicators


Timely, accurate and meaningful performance information is an essential part of good management and assists in ensuring accountability, transparency and aids us in our decision making. At Main Roads we use performance measurement to gain insight into, and make judgements about, the effectiveness and efficiency of our services.

We measure our progress in meeting strategic goals and outcomes, gather and analyse performance data and then use that data to drive improvements and successfully measure the deployment of actions into outcomes. Our measures support decision making by:

  • Providing guidance and direction on how efficient and effective we are
  • Indicating where improvements might be necessary
  • Identifying potential areas of risk
  • Determining if our customers are satisfied
  • Measuring our success in delivering agreed Government goals and outcomes.

Our performance measures are integrated within a monthly evaluation and reporting process that is reviewed by our Corporate Executive Leadership team. There has not been any changes to the measures or methodology during the last year.

Alignment with Government Goals

Main Roads contributes towards the achievement of four goals identified by the Western Australian Government. We achieve the delivery of these goals through an outcome based Program Management approach. There are six services that drive outcome based decision making to achieve the delivery of services to our customers. The following table shows the alignment of each Service against the Government’s goals.

Main Roads Government Goal
Service (Program) Outcome
Road Safety A safe road environment Outcome Based Service Delivery
Road Management Reliable and efficient movement of people and goods
Road Efficiency
State Development Facilitate economic and regional development State Building – Major Projects
Maintenance A well maintained road network Stronger focus on the Regions
Community Access Improved community access and roadside amenity Social and Environmental Responsibility

Understanding our measures

Community Perception

Four of the measures are derived from an annual Community Perceptions Survey that reflects the satisfaction levels of our customers in metropolitan and rural areas. Through the use of an external research company, the data was collected by way of an online survey supported by some telephone interviews in regional areas to ensure the minimum sample target was reached. The results are based upon a random and representative sample of 1 370 people (637 in the Metropolitan area and 733 in rural areas). When extending these results to estimate the percentage of satisfied Western Australians, the overall sampling error is +/- 2.64% at the 95% confidence interval. The data is also weighted to reflect the actual population distribution based on ABS statistics. The four measures are Community Satisfaction with Main Roads, road safety, maintenance and the provision of cycleway and pedestrian facilities.

On Time and On Cost

The delivery of infrastructure in a State that is as climatically and geologically diverse as Western Australia provides many challenges. Eight of our efficiency measures are based on reporting against the delivery of our contracts in terms of time and cost. With the implementation of a new reporting methodology we are now able to better reflect the performance of the on time and on cost indicator, therefore the comparative numbers were restated. To recognise the complexity in achieving this, and consistent with approaches taken in other road agencies, all reporting against these measures includes a 10% margin when calculating the final outcome.


The following table provides a summary of our service outcomes and measures for each indicator showing the trend over time as well as providing a status report as to how the results for 2016-17 compared against the targets from the State Budget Papers. The remainder of this section provides commentary on the efficiency and effectiveness indicators for each of the six outcome based services.

Summary of Key Performance Measures and Outcomes

  2014 2015 2016 2017 Target 2017 Actual
Road Safety Program
% Community Satisfaction of road safety 95 94 91 90 90
Black Spot location indicator 10 9.7 9.1 8.55 8.43
% of contracts completed on time 96 94 91 90 77
% of contracts completed on budget 93 94 87 90 93
Road Efficiency and Road System Management Programs
% Community Satisfaction 94 96 91 90 87
Road network permitted for use by heavy vehicles B Double -27.5m % 97 98 98 96 97
Double RT -27.5m % 97 97 97 96 97
Double RT-36.5m % 79 809 80 78 80
Triple RT-53.5m % 45 45 45 44 45
% Network configuration Roads 90 91 91 90 92
Bridges Strength 89 89 90 90 92
Width 94 95 96 96 96
% of contracts completed on time 86 72 98 90 68
% of contracts completed on budget 82 100 98 90 93
Average $ cost of network management per million vehicle km travelled 4,519 5,164 5,537 5,578 5,291
State Development
Average return on construction expenditure 5.4 5.6 4.2 4.5 3.2
% of contracts completed on time 75 100 100 90 40
% of contracts completed on budget 100 100 75 90 100
Road Maintenance Program
% Smooth Travel Exposure n/a 96 n/a 97 96
% Community Satisfaction road maintenance 90 95 88 90 84
% Preventative maintenance indicator 86 86 87 85 87
Average $ cost of network maintenance per lane kilometre of road network 5,987 6,504 7,755 6,750 7,197
Community Access Program
% of the year that 100% of the Main Roads’ State road network is available 97 93 89 95 92
% Community satisfaction with cycleways and pedestrian facilities 85 76 83 90 87
% of contracts completed on time 60 85 91 90 100
% of contracts completed on budget 40 92 100 90 100

Road Safety

Target Achieved Target achieved
Target Not Achieved Not achieved - action is being taken
On Watch On watch
Target Target
Status Level Of Achievement
target achieved % Community satisfaction of road safety
Outcome: Providing a Safe Road Environment

This service seeks to reduce the State’s road fatality rate to the lowest in Australia by minimising road factors contributing to road trauma and reducing the serious crash injury rate. We demonstrate this through the following measures:

Effectiveness Indicators
Community Satisfaction with Road Safety

This indicator represents how satisfied the community is with Main Roads’ overall performance in area of road safety. Although there has been a small drop since 2016, the survey results show that Main Roads remains on-target and is performing well, achieving a 90% okay or better rating. Metro was the only region to surpass the 90% target.

Black Spot Location Indicator

The indicator gives a measure of the number of locations on the road network that meet State Black Spot criteria based on an analysis of crash history. The measure uses a sliding window to determine whether the number of locations eligible for funding is increasing or decreasing, considering the amount of travel in the State. The four-year trend continues to show a gradual decline in the number of eligible black spot locations with the current result once again being the lowest recorded since the implementation of the Black Spot program in 2001, coming in below the estimated target.

Black Spot Graph

Efficiency Indicators
Percentage of Contracts Completed on Time

This indicator represents the percentage of contracts that were delivered on time in the Road Safety Service. The result achieved was 77% of contracts delivered on time which is below our target 90%. Of the 16 projects that were late six were due to inclement weather whilst a further two were delayed as a result of awaiting environmental and heritage clearances. A further three were delayed by technical issues including rectifying bleeding bitumen and subterranean drainage issues whilst the third was due to additional works being undertaken. Of the remaining contracts one was late as a result of delayed delivery of supplies and the final delay arose from resources being diverted to address the flooding event in the South West. The final contract was delayed as a result of inclement weather, a variation at no cost has been issued but at the time of the preparing this report had not been processed

Percentage of Contracts Completed on Budget

This indicator represents the percentage of contracts that were delivered on budget in the Road Safety Service. The result achieved was 93% of contracts delivered on budget which is above the target of 90%. Five projects were over budget, one was due to additional costs addressing heritage matters and another was due to increased scope. The remaining three are subject to variations which at the time of preparing this report have not been approved.

Efficiency and Road System Management

Target Achieved Target achieved
Target Not Achieved Not achieved - action is being taken
On Watch On watch
Target Target
Status Level Of Achievement
target achieved % Community satisfaction
% Network configuration target achieved Roads
Bridges target achieved Strength
target achieved Width
Outcome: Reliable and Efficient Movement of People and Goods

The Efficiency Service seeks to improve the efficiency, capacity and utilisation of the existing road network whilst the Road System Management Service seeks to optimise real-time management of the network, provide traveller information, asset management planning and to support service delivery throughout the organisation. Together these services contribute to achieving the outcome. We demonstrate this through the following measures:

Effectiveness Indicators
Community Satisfaction

This indicator represents how satisfied the community is with Main Roads’ overall performance in the management and operation of the State road network. 87% of survey participants rated Main Roads’ performance as okay or better. Although overall satisfaction remains high, 2017 marks the first time that the result has dropped below the target of 90%. Regionally, Kimberley and South West achieved the 90% target and Wheatbelt had the lowest overall performance rating of 63%.

Road Network Permitted for use by Heavy Freight Vehicles

This indicator relates to the efficient movement of goods within Western Australia and the percentage of available State roads accessed by B-Doubles, Double road trains and Triple road trains. The use of larger vehicles with greater payloads can increase the overall efficiency of freight transport operations, resulting in lower transport costs. However, to maintain road safety and guard against infrastructure damage, restrictions are placed on some trucks. Because of the relatively high efficiency of these vehicles, the proportion of roads accessible to them is an important factor in the overall efficiency of freight transport in this State. Over the past four years the trend has remained relatively consistent with most minor fluctuations in results attributed to changes in ownership of roads between State and Local Government and very minor variations with access categorisation.

Type of Vehicle 2014 2015 2016 Target 2017
B Double - 27.5m 97 98 98 96 97
Double Road Train - 27.5m 97 97 97 96 97
Double Road Train - 36.5m 79 80 80 78 80
Triple Road Train - 53.5m 45 45 45 44 45
Network Configuration - Roads

This indicator shows the percentage of travel undertaken on roads meeting specific criteria for seal width, carriageway width and curve rating. The indicator gives a measure of the ability of Main Roads to plan for and maintain roads to desirable standards. In 2016, 92% of travel was undertaken on roads meeting the seal width, carriageway width and curve rating criteria which is in line with the target of 90%. The results over the four-year period are relatively consistent and demonstrate that Main Roads continues to plan and program works to address roads that are below the criteria.

Network Configuration - Bridges

Like the roads measure, bridges are assessed for strength and width using agreed investigatory criteria. The monitoring of bridge strength and width needs to ensure a safe and efficient road network relating to improved access and transport efficiencies. These measures are indicators for the number of bridges that meet, or are above, the investigatory criteria, recorded as a percentage of the total number of bridges on main roads and highways. Therefore, the percentage of bridges meeting these network configuration criteria should continue to rise but only slightly in future years. All bridges that do not meet the investigatory criteria for strength or width are considered in assessing, scoping and prioritising works, as part of the ten-year bridge strategy.
Strength - The results of this indicator show that 92% of the bridges meet the agreed criteria for strength against a target of 90%.
Width - In relation to width 96% of bridges meet the criteria against a target of 96%.

Efficiency indicators
Percentage of Contracts Completed on Time

This indicator represents the percentage of contracts that were delivered on time in the Road Efficiency Service. Whilst the target was established at 90%, the result achieved was 68% of contracts delivered on time. Of the nine contracts that were late two were the subject of inclement weather which had a flow on impact to two related contracts that were dependent upon works being completed. Of the remaining contracts, one was late due to delays in service relocations by utilities, one was delayed due to awaiting environmental clearances, one was delayed as a result of change in design and the remaining two were late due to the contractor correcting deficiencies identified during handover.

Percentage of Contracts Completed on Budget

This indicator represents the percentage of contracts that were delivered on budget in the Road Efficiency Service. The result achieved was 93% of contracts delivered on cost which is above the target of 90%. Of the two contracts that were over budget one involved design difficulties whilst the second was due to minor rectifications required during resealing.

Average Cost of Network Management

This indicator measures the financial efficiency of the Road System Management program in terms of cost per million vehicle kilometres travelled to manage the road system. In order to compare current figures with previous years all figures have been adjusted and reported in terms of current year’s dollars. In respect of the current year the result of $5,291 per million vehicle kilometres travelled is lower than the target of $5,578. The trend for this measure is due to a higher MVKT than estimated in the budget papers.

State Development

Outcome: Facilitating Economic and Regional Development

This service expands the road network in accordance with State and Commonwealth transport and land use strategies that will facilitate the economic and regional development of the State. We demonstrate this through the following measures:

Effectiveness Indicators
Return on Construction Expenditure

New road and bridge construction networks add to the capacity of the road network. Return on Construction Expenditure is based on Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) estimates of a set of projects undertaken each year. It indicates the extent to which road and bridge construction expenditure will deliver future economic benefits to the community. This indicator represents the expenditure weighted BCR for the State Development Service and Road Efficiency Service for which a BCR has been calculated. The BCR came behind target for 2016-17 with an expenditure weighted average result of 3.2 being achieved against the target of 4.5.

Efficiency Indicators
Percentage of Contracts Completed on Time

This indicator represents the percentage of contracts that were delivered on time in the State Development Service. The result achieved was 40% of contracts being delivered on time against a target of 90%. Of the three contracts that were late one was due to inclement weather, one was delayed due to the discovery of hazardous materials during construction and the final project is still in progress at the time of preparing this report.

Percentage of Contracts Completed on Budget

This indicator represents the percentage of contracts delivered on budget in the State Development Service. There are no contracts over budget for this Service therefore the result achieved was 100% which is above the target of 90%.

Road Maintenance

Target Achieved Target achieved
Target Not Achieved Not achieved - action is being taken
On Watch On watch
Target Target
Status Level Of Achievement
On Watch % Community satisfaction road maintenance
Outcome: Providing a well maintained road network

This service seeks to maintain the existing road and bridge network by maximising asset life and minimising whole of life costs. We demonstrate this through the following measures:

Effectiveness Indicators
Community Satisfaction of Road Maintenance

This indicator represents how satisfied the community is with Main Roads’ overall performance in the maintenance of the State road network. 84% of survey participants rate our performance as okay or better, continuing the downwards trend from 2015. South West was the only region who recorded an improvement and the Metro region achieved the highest result of 88%.

Preventative Maintenance Indicator

The Preventative Maintenance Indicator provides a measure of the proportion of sealed state road network which has a surfacing age younger than its optimal target age. The indicator provides a measure of proactive maintenance undertaken on the network on an annual basis, sections of the network with a surfacing age younger than target age are classified as ‘Good’. This year the analysis shows that 87% of the network is considered good which is above the target of 85% and is consistent with the last four years results.

Preventative Maintenance Graph

Smooth Travel Exposure

Smooth travel exposure is an indicator which shows the percentage of travel undertaken on the state road network meeting specific roughness criteria. It is therefore an important measure of the effectiveness of road maintenance expenditure. This year 96% of the total travel on sealed state roads was undertaken on roads that meet the roughness standard. This is consistent with previous year’s results, however it is still under the established target of 97%

Efficiency Indicators
Average Cost of Network Maintenance per Lane Kilometre of Road Network

This indicator identifies the financial efficiency of road and roadside maintenance works by showing the cost per lane kilometre to maintain acceptable travel conditions on the State roads. In determining the cost basis expenditure on structures and infrastructure depreciation has been excluded. In order to compare current figures with previous years all figures have been adjusted and reported in terms of current year’s dollars which can influence the trend result. This year’s result shows a variance against the target with the result being 7% higher than estimated. Contributing factors towards the higher result included additional unfunded resealing works in the South West and Great Southern regions, and unforeseen additional maintenance work (above the programmed budget) and additional maintenance work due to the impact of a natural disaster in January/February 2017 which impacted large areas of the State.

Community Access

Target Achieved Target achieved
Target Not Achieved Not achieved - action is being taken
On Watch On watch
Target Target
Status Level Of Achievement
target achieved % Community satisfaction with cycleways and pedestrian facilities
Outcome: Improving Community Access and Roadside Amenity

This service seeks to provide infrastructure that will increase personal mobility and community access. We demonstrate this through the following measures:

Effectiveness Indicators
Unplanned Road Closure on the State Road Network

Generally 100% of Main Roads Road sealed network is available to all road users; however, there are unplanned road closures due to a number of reasons including flooding, cyclones, bushfires and major road crashes, which may vary in duration. The availability of the sealed road network is measured as a percentage of calendar days that the whole network is available to the road user. Closure is determined by measuring the number of whole days (24 hours commencing from the time the road is closed) that any section of the sealed road network is closed. This year the road network was available 92% of the year which exceeds the 85% target. The historical figures have needed to be restated as to reflect the exclusion of unsealed roads from the calculation of this KPI.

Community Satisfaction with Cycleways and Pedestrian Facilities

This indicator represents how satisfied the community is with Main Roads’ performance in the construction, maintenance and management of cycleways and pedestrian facilities. Of the four community satisfaction indicators, Cycleways and Pedestrians is the only one to show an upward trend, with 87% of participants rating it as okay or better in 2017. Regionally, results in the Metro, Kimberley, Great Southern and South West have all improved since 2016.

Efficiency Indicators
Percentage of Contracts Completed on Time

This indicator represents the percentage of contracts delivered on time in the Community Access Service. The result achieved was 100% which is above the target of 90%.

Percentage of Contracts Completed on Budget

This indicator represents the percentage of contracts delivered on budget in the Community Access Service. The result achieved was 100% which is above the target of 90%.