2020 is about having confidence to tackle new challenges.

Developing Capabilities

Case Study

Using Catalyst Teams to develop our Strategic Framework

During the year, we sought out innovative ways to engage a broad cross section of staff in the development of our 2020 Strategic Framework. We created three Catalyst Teams, which were groups of individuals whose objective was to increase the integrity and completeness of the 2020 Strategic Framework. Essentially, they acted as catalysts by challenging existing material, brainstorming possible alternatives, and creating new and different products.

The Catalyst Teams were tasked with two key deliverables:

Each Area of Focus is strengthened by the fact that they were developed by Catalyst Teams through collaboration across all levels of the organisation.

This approach helped to develop and maintain strong collaborative relationships between subject matter experts across the organisation.

It also provided an outcomes-focused approach for the Catalyst Teams and allowed for flexibility in the process so that they could achieve required outcomes. It gave team members space to think and act strategically, learning from past strategic frameworks but without constraining team members. It created opportunities for members to build relationships with our Executive Directors and encouraged innovative ways to achieve required outcomes. This included a blend of workshops, Skype communications, blogs, emails, working sessions and phone hook-ups.

Our new Strategic Plan and the five areas of focus developed by the Catalyst Teams will be launched in August 2013. To see more information about the 2020 Strategic Framework, please visit our website.