Image of flood mitigation works in Carnarvon
Flood mitigation works in Carnarvon

Principle 9: Risk management


Our Risk Management Policy states that we ‘Manage all risks so that our business outcomes are achieved and our reputation is protected’. We achieve this by adhering to the following principles:

Risk Management Process

We have established a single and systematic approach to enterprise-wide risk management that brings various risk management procedures and processes from across the organisation under one central process. All employees have a responsibility to mitigate risk through managing and identifying risks that are a part of the work we undertake. Our process is aligned to the Australian Standard AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 – Risk Management.

Risk Management Reporting

As part of the ongoing Corporate Risk Management process, workshops are held across the State to identify important operational and strategic risks facing individual directorates and business units and our project activities. These workshops focus on the strategic and longer term (3-5 years) impacts to our business.

Mitigating actions to address these risks have been incorporated within Directorate and Branch Business Plans and form part of the quarterly reporting and evaluation regime to Corporate Executive and across the organisation.