Enhancing Safety, Health & Wellbeing


Consistently showing leadership in safety outcomes.


We work to establish consistent application of policies, standards and procedures across the organisation, and with our business partners, based on effective risk management.



Our Lost-Time injury (LTI) and disease incidence rate(1) target was achieved



Our Lost-Time injury (LTI) and severity rate target was achieved(2)


Target 100%

We achieved our target of helping 100 per cent of our injured workers return to work within 13 weeks(3)

  1. Lost-Time injury (LTI) Incidence rate is: (number of LTI/Ds divided by the number of employees) x100
  2. Severity rate is: (the number of LTI/Ds that resulted in 60 days or more lost divided by the total number of workers compensation claims) x100
  3. Return to work (RTW) within 13 weeks is: (number of LTI/Ds with a RTW outcome within 13 weeks divided by the number of LTI/Ds reported) x100

Projects and activities planned for next financial year include:

  • A continued focus on delivery of our Safety Health and Wellbeing Plan 2021-24 strategy with the coming years' deliverables focused on:
    • Embedding new Work, Health and Safety (WHS) legislation
    • Reviewing our ISO 45001 accredited Safety, Health and Wellbeing Management System
    • Incorporating WHS requirements into our contractor management and procurement processes
    • Review our Mental Wellness Strategic Framework and develop our new Mental Wellness Action Plan 2023-24
    • Deliver health monitoring initiatives including mental wellbeing
    • Implement workplace safety, health and wellbeing initiatives that address identified psychosocial factors
    • Prepare for the return of maintenance and minor capital works to in-house delivery.

Our Safety Performance

The safety, health and wellbeing of our people, the contractors who work on our behalf and the customers who access our network across the state is our number one priority.

With the embedding of the incident and event reporting system - EQSafe, used by our workers and contractors, there has been a focus on detailed, timely and accurate information being entered into the system. The system's capability is expanding; this, coupled with the strong incident reporting culture of our workers and contractors, has allowed us to analyse safety and health information in more detail.

The number of lost-time injuries reduced across the organisation compared with the previous year. A combination of fewer injuries and a reduction in the severity of injury and illness, coupled with early intervention have lifted performance. This information helps identify critical issues, trends and emerging challenges assisting Corporate Executive to make strategic decisions ensuring the safety of our workforce and those who work to deliver our services.

Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate

Over the past 12 months, our Lost-Time Injury Frequency Rate has reduced from the previous year and is well below our target having achieved a greater than 10 per cent reduction on the previous year's result.

We will continue to focus on mitigating actions for our critical risks and demonstration of safety leadership across the organisation.

The following graphics show the number and type of serious incidents rated high or very high that occurred most commonly over the past 12 months; also shown are the four main causes of serious incidents from the past year. Such information enables us to focus attention on areas that matter most.

An analysis of the last three years of the three incidents shows that there has been a significant improvement in a reduction in incidents from those risks.

Critical Risk 2020 2021 2022
Mobile Plant Incident 194 206 191
Interaction with live traffic 160 237 150
Vehicle Incident 201 245 135

Total Injuries on Body

An analysis of where injuries occurred shows a slight change from last year with hands and fingers still featuring prominently. Overall, our own staff suffered a lot less injuries while contractor injuries increased reflecting the increase in projects being delivered across the state.

Workers Compensation and Injury Management

There were nine workers compensation claims lodged across the year. Three were linked to a work-related lost-time injury however, all workers returned to work within 13 weeks.

Enhanced Reporting and Analysis

We have continued to improve dashboards enabling access to safety and health performance data. This information allows safety champions and our leaders to make informed decisions using lead and lag indicators and trend analysis. Reporting on our performance demonstrates how safety is managed and where improvements are needed.

Preventative Health & Wellbeing

We understand a healthy workforce is a happy and productive workforce, able to achieve the challenges ahead of us. During the year, we encouraged healthier habits to prevent illness and chronic disease, and to promote a healthier lifestyle for our workforce we:

  • Gave flu vaccinations to 441 employees
  • Delivered 3 lunch and learn sessions
  • Provided 188 heart health assessments
  • Provided 359 skin cancer screening checks.

COVID-19 Responses

Throughout the year, our COVID Management Team has reacted swiftly and decisively to COVID-19 with a clear strategy to keep people safe and support employees regardless of where they are located and continue to deliver our services. This has meant doing as much as possible to minimise transmission and to protect one another.

Mental Health Strategy

We have an organisation-wide Mental Wellness Strategic Framework and a Mental Wellness Action Plan 2019-2022. We assess mental health risks and focus on building a positive workplace culture with internal capability to ensure early access to effective care and rehabilitation. The Framework and Mental Wellness Action Plan will be reviewed in the coming year.

We have in place policies, procedures and guidelines to support employees with mental health conditions. This has been complemented with the development of a Guideline on Psychosocial Hazards, which includes an audit tool, to help manage those risks.

Thrive at Work

In recognition of the importance of mental wellbeing in maintaining a healthy and engaged workforce, we partnered with the Future of Work Institute at Curtin University to conduct a workplace assessment of mental wellbeing. The Thrive at Work Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace Survey aimed to identify opportunities to promote positive work practices within Main Roads to support employees to thrive, enhance productivity and produce better outcomes.

The results of the survey will form the basis for our new Mental Wellbeing Strategy and Action Plan, which will be developed with extensive consultation with our workforce.

Employee Assistance Programs

Our Employee Assistance Program allows employees and their families to access registered psychologists to help them cope with challenges they may face, whether work related or not. In addition, a Management Coaching and Development Program provides support and guidance to managers overseeing employees with mental health and other issues.

While confidential, statistics - broadly, show that use of the program is similar between genders and generally attended on a voluntary and self-referred basis.

Overall, there have been significant improvement in the results of wellbeing or referral to more specialised practitioners. We continue increasing the capability of our employees through a Mental Health, Wellbeing and Workplace Program, and continue to create a culture of disclosure and peer support.
