Peter Woronzow
Commissioner of Main Roads
Reflecting on the past 12 months, I am especially proud of how the Transport Portfolio has worked together to continue to deliver exceptional services in what continues to be a challenging time. We have worked hard to keep delivering our infrastructure investment program despite a sometimes volatile and unpredictable operating environment. We continued to support the economy and hit key milestones delivering on 32 major projects and many hundreds of minor projects while creating almost 3,400 jobs and apprenticeships across the state keeping the state moving.
Our roads continue to be a key part of our integrated transport network and make a valuable contribution to the economy and future of not only the state but the nation. Des Snook will highlight specific achievements in his review but the ongoing work on the Tonkin Gap and Mitchell Freeway extension, the completion of Armadale Road to North Lake Road Bridge, High Street in Fremantle and delivery of the extension of cycling paths across the metropolitan area continue to transform the way we move.
We have been busier than ever in the regions with works underway on Albany Ring Road and good progress being made on sections of the Bunbury Outer Ring Road and Outback Way. Elsewhere across the state we are continuing to see benefits come from the landmark Regional Road Safety Upgrades Program improving the road network and making journeys safer.
While investment in infrastructure drives jobs and opportunities it also allows us to focus on delivering what many perceive as a “once in a generation” opportunity to improve social outcomes.
I am very proud of the work that we are doing as a Portfolio to enable and drive increased and sustainable employment and business opportunities for Aboriginal people across the state.
Over the past 12 months, we have spent more than $102 million in Aboriginal businesses and delivered more than 640,000 hours in employment for Aboriginal people. To support our endeavours, we hosted a successful Meet the Buyer and Supplier Forum in October, increased the scope of the Main Roads Aboriginal Advisory Group to have a Portfolio perspective and all of this is supported by the creation of a dedicated team to advance Aboriginal engagement and participation in all our projects and activities. These initiatives are focused to ensure delivery of our commitment to award $700 million worth of contracts and 3.5 million work hours to Aboriginal businesses and people over the next five years.
There is no doubt that COVID-19 has seen a significant shift in the needs, expectations and travel behaviours of our customers. It has highlighted more than ever the importance of social connections for our community and further emphasised our role in connecting people and places.
In January, just when we thought things were looking up, we were hit by a once in 200-year flood event that temporarily closed the critical east-west rail line. Dedicated teams from across the Portfolio worked closely with industry, retailers and other government agencies to reinstate and secure the supply of essential goods into the state.
The flood reinforced the need to have a resilient transport network and the importance of efficient freight movements to ensure our economic prosperity and the provision of everyday goods and essentials for all Western Australians.
The year ahead will provide more new and exciting challenges as we introduced maintenance and minor capital works back into the organisation from October 2022 and will continue through until 2026 as existing maintenance contracts come to an end.
The government has committed a record investment of $4.4 billion in roads, rail and other projects improving transport across our state over the next 12 months. This investment aims to improve our quality of life and our economy. We have already come a long way and there's still plenty more to be done.
I am proud to lead a dedicated group of people across all the agencies within the Portfolio and I extend my appreciation and thanks for the commitment they bring to work every day.
There are sure to be new challenges facing us in the coming months and I am confident that working closely with my leadership teams we are well placed to face those challenges as we continue to support the community of Western Australia.
Peter Woronzow
Commissioner of Main Roads