Managing Our Information Assets

Our current Recordkeeping Plan, valid until August 2021, provides overarching guidance concerning our recordkeeping systems, policies, practices, processes and disposal arrangements, in line with the changing needs of our workforce and how we do business.

Customers are central to everything we do and ISO 15489:2016 Records Management guides best practice recordkeeping in combination with using the State Records Commission (SRC) standards and principles. ISO 16175:2011 Principles and Functional Requirements for Records in Electronic Office Environments underpins system upgrade considerations and needs for our records management system TRIM RM8.3, our bulk scanning and document processing system KOFAX TA7 and the development and integration of all corporate business applications. Additionally, record management processes have been externally audited and recertified to ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management until June 2022 as a component of our Integrated Management System.

Our Service Delivery

Information Services manage the organisations information assets captured and used by staff to conduct their work.

A system upgrade from TRIM RM8.3 to TRIM CM9.4 is imminent. A high priority project of integration between O365/SharePoint and TRIM CM9.4 to meet collaboration and records governance needs will follow.

Use of O365 and the TRIM web client by general users to search and save documents to TRIM occurred during the COVID-19 pandemic. Upon upgrade, additional functionality will be made available when working from home or conducting fieldwork.

Our system of capture KOFAX TA7 provides bulk scanning and document processing utilising machine learning to automate the capture and storage of information to TRIM for further processing. All forms of incoming correspondence received go through KOFAX TA7 and this year 52,280 items have been processed and stored to TRIM. In accordance with the General Disposal Authority for Source Records, day-boxed scanned hardcopies have been legally destroyed.

In addition to business-as-usual operations, the following initiatives have been undertaken to support best practice recordkeeping:

  • reviewed 10,000 corporate files, 8,000 documents and 1,000 drawings for defence of a Supreme Court legal case
  • deleted all Personal record type documents and files from TRIM and trained users to use One Drive for Business as an alternative storage location
  • conducted an archiving project in South Hedland, Geraldton, Narrogin and Metropolitan areas to register and store the contents of over 2 200 boxes of records and store offsite
  • in accordance with the State Archiving Strategy, we sent a qualified archivist to each region to appraise and pack local legacy holdings, transport to Perth, register to TRIM and store offsite. There have been over 5,000 standard archive boxes of records appraised and processed
  • contracted the offsite scanning of over 300 historic photographic albums of road works, bridge slides and staff state-wide
  • Our Record Keeping Code of Practice for the Management of Contract Records guides compliance with SRC Standard 6 that applies to outsourcing. Under this Code, contract companies are required to submit a recordkeeping plan within 28 days for approval. Contract RKP reviews are conducted by a records practitioner prior to sign off. During the year, six reviews have been completed.
  • contracted a Specialist Records consultant to develop a Hardcopy Disaster Management Plan to identify vital records and present to Directorate Branch Managers and Corporate Executive.

All records management operations are supported by our TRIM Support Help Desk who dealt with 6,485 customer enquiries, with 99.5 per cent resolved within 24 hours.

This financial year the growing trend towards working digital continued based on 4,128 digital versus 555 hardcopy corporate files created this year at Head Office.

There continues to be a steady ongoing increase in records stored and audit logs show that nearly 80 per cent of employees regularly use TRIM.

Documents Registered