Our Outcomes

Timely, accurate and meaningful performance information provides Government and the communities we serve insights and judgements on the effectiveness and efficiency of how well we are doing in delivery of our services.

Done well, good performance information assists in improving accountability and transparency and aids decision-making. We recognise that to manage our business effectively we have to access information and report against different dimensions of value using interconnected information across multiple key resources. This integration of reporting strengthens governance, ensures we focus on the issues that are material to our business and customers and helps to identify and mitigate risks earlier.

The following scorecard provides a snapshot of how well we are performing against our key outcomes. More information and other measures are included throughout the report.


Improve mobility of people and the efficiency of freight


Provide a transport network centred on what our customers need and value


Provide improved safety outcomes for all users of the transport network


Develop a sustainable transport network that meets social, economic and environmental needs


Future Jobs and Skills
Grow and diversify the economy, create jobs and support skills development

Customers Assets Network performance Financial capital Natural resources Our people Know-how

Key Outcomes Sought

State Development

Facilitation of economic and regional development

Our target for the average return on which road and bridge construction expenditure will deliver future economic benefits to the community was exceeded and continues to improve

State Development

We exceeded our contracts completed on time target and significantly improved on previous years

State Development

Contracts completed on budget exceeded our target and was higher than last year

State Development

Our People

To attract, develop and sustain organisational capability through our people


Our People

We exceeded our target in respect to women in leadership positions at Level 6 and above, however it was a slight decrease since last year

Our People

There was a high level of completion of Career Conversations coming in just under our target but remains consistent with previous years

Our People

Key Resources Resource label

Achieved More work to do Target


Strong Communities

Safe communities and supported families

Customers Assets Network performance Financial capital Natural resources Our people Know-how


Road Safety

Provision of a safe road environment

Community satisfaction with road safety is performing well exceeding our target and consistent with last year’s result

Road Safety

Contracts completed on time came in below target but has increased upon last year’s result

Road Safety

Contracts completed on budget exceeded our target showing continued strong performance

Road Safety

Black Spot location indicator exceeded our target and is consistent with previous results

Road Safety

Community Access

Improved community access and roadside amenity

Community satisfaction with cycleways and pedestrian facilities was above our target and is consistent with last year’s result

Community Access

Percentage of the year that 100 per cent of the state Road Network was available came in under our target with a decrease from last year

Community Access

Contracts completed on budget exceeded our target showing continued strong performance

Community Access

The contracts completed on time target was not achieved, due to various factors including inclement weather and design changes

Community Access

Enhancing Safety, Health and Wellbeing

Consistently leading safe outcomes

There were no Fatalities last year

Enhancing Safety, Health and Wellbeing

Our Lost-time injury (LTI) and/or disease incidence rate target was not achieved

Enhancing Safety, Health and Wellbeing

Our Lost-time injury and severity rate target was not achieved

Enhancing Safety, Health and Wellbeing

We did not achieve our target of helping 100 per cent of our injured workers return to work within 13 weeks

Enhancing Safety, Health and Wellbeing

We met our target of helping injured workers return to work within 26 weeks

Enhancing Safety, Health and Wellbeing

Improving Customer Experience

Providing a transport network centred on what our customers need and value

We achieved our target for Community satisfaction demonstrating a consistent level with previous outcomes

Improving Customer Experience

The aim to continue to increase the number of customer subscriptions to our project updates was achieved

Improving Customer Experience

The target for resolving enquires at first point of contact with our customer information centre was achieved

Improving Customer Experience

Key Resources Resource label

Achieved More work to do Target


Better Places

A quality environment with liveable and affordable communities and vibrant regions

Customers Assets Network performance Financial capital Natural resources Our people Know-how


Road Maintenance

A well-maintained road network

Community satisfaction with road maintenance came in within our target and was a slight decrease from last year

Road Maintenance

Our preventative and proactive maintenance undertaken on the network indicator target was met and is consistent with previous year’s results

Road Maintenance

Average $ cost of network maintenance per lane-kilometre of road network target was achieved and was lower than estimated

Road Maintenance

Road Efficiency and Road Management

Reliable and efficient movement of people and goods

Community satisfaction with Main Roads target was achieved however was a small decrease on last year’s result

Road Efficiency and Road Management

Road network permitted for use by heavy vehicles

B-double — 27.5 m %

Road Efficiency and Road Management

Double Road Train — 27.5 m %

Road Efficiency and Road Management

Double Road Train — 36.5 m %

Road Efficiency and Road Management

Triple Road Train — 53.5 m %

Road Efficiency and Road Management

% Network configuration


Road Efficiency and Road Management

Bridges Strength

Road Efficiency and Road Management


Road Efficiency and Road Management

Contracts completed on time was below our target and considerably lower than previous results

Road Efficiency and Road Management

Contracts completed on budget exceeded our target showing continued strong performance

Road Efficiency and Road Management

Average $ cost of network management per million vehicle kilometres travelled came in higher than our target

Road Efficiency and Road Management

Managing the Environment

Protecting and enhancing the natural environmental and social values in all our activities

Percentage of state-wide clearing permit compliance audits completed CPS 818 continues to meet our target

Managing the Environment

Scope 1 and 2 Emissions (t CO2) are lower than expected and continue to come in under target

Managing the Environment

Community satisfaction with our sustainability practices was slightly below target with a decrease from last year

Managing the Environment

Targets of community satisfaction with our performance managing the environmental impacts in our activities was achieved and remains at a consistent level with previous years

Managing the Environment

Key Resources Resource label

Achieved More work to do Target