Theatre brings Health and Safety to Life
In October, we brought together 90 participants comprising safety practitioners, employees, contractors, WorkSafe representatives and other guests to give presentations which highlighted WorkSafe Month activities.
The presentations for the day included safety statistics from the EQSafe database, psychosocial hazards, feedback from WorkSafe on the use of Safe Work Method Statements and a Traffic Management update.
Attendees were also entertained by ACT Australia with industrial safety training on a workplace safety incident. The group uses role play for interactive case studies. During the theatre the facilitator would stop the scene and engage the audience with questions relating to the manager, supervisor and worker. Questions related to what could have been done better to stop the incident occurring.
The feedback following the forum was so positive that it was decided to use a similar format and approach in the Kimberley Region, for its Safety Day held in February. Once again, Safety Industrial Theatre, presented live, interactive case studies illustrating how decision-making, including even the smallest action, leadership and culture can have the greatest impact on safety at work.
Participants were presented with challenges and ways to explore commitment and capability. The approach to ‘lessons learned’ is highly engaging and has great impact. It was used again for the induction of 21 new graduates to our Civil and Electrical Graduate Engineering Program.
Participants felt it was one of the most effective workshops that they have been to. The immersive workshop was beneficial in terms of delivering the key messages and empowered people to take them back to the workplace and make improvements to the culture of their teams.