Our Approach and Material Aspects
Our Sustainability Policy establishes a clear set of principles focused on creating lasting benefits for the community. It reflects our maturity and is aligned with our strategic direction Keeping WA Moving.
We ensure the relevance and validity of all areas of our business and stakeholder relations through a biennial desktop materiality review and internal stakeholder prioritisation workshops. The analysis stage draws from our corporate and legislative commitments, key risks, corporate stakeholder engagement processes, media and Ministerial topics and our peers’ reporting practices.
Material Aspects for Sustainability – 2021
Value Chain
Our value chain demonstrates the primary activities in our business model and indicates where our most significant economic, environmental or social impact or value occurs. We have included in this model an additional dimension showing the interactions as we transition from activities within our organisation, through to recognising the importance of the relationships we have with our suppliers, stakeholders and the community and ultimately the customer impact or value creation outcome.
Strategic Asset Management
Corporate, policy, funding and project planning
Network Asset Operation
Operation of road network
Asset Maintenance
Maintenance of the road network
Asset Upgrades/ Construction
Deliver public roads infrastructure
Road Network Use
Use of the road network itself
Addressing our Most Important Material Issues
Our approach to addressing our top material issues and alignment with Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is shown in the table. More information on how these topics relate to Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) indicators including the GRI Content Index and the SDGs can be found in the online version of this report.
Material Issues | Key Impacts | Key Resources Affected | Value Chain Impact |
SDG Alignment |
Road Safety |
The states road death statistics remain above the national average. We believe no one should die or be seriously injured on the state’s road network, and we will manage the network for all road users to minimise the likelihood of road trauma. |
Customers Network performance Assets Our people Know-how | Road Network Use | |
Congestion and Freight Productivity |
We seek to reduce congestion and enhance freight efficiency on the road network. Reducing congestion mitigates impacts including carbon emissions and air pollutants; increased psychological impacts on people and reduced productivity. |
Customers Network performance Assets Our people Know-how | Road Network Use | |
Good Public Policy |
We rely on our resources and know-how to ensure we have clear, transparent and strong governance approaches that prevent undue influence in the administration of our role and ensure swift, efficient and effective implementation of government policies and strategies. |
Customers Assets Our people Know-how | Strategic Asset Management | |
Biodiversity |
Our infrastructure potentially impacts WA’s unique flora and fauna and we mitigate the impacts of our activities on biodiversity to avoid habitat loss, land degradation and, loss of species and the impacts of climate change. |
Natural resources Assets Our people Know-how Customers | Asset Upgrades/ Construction | |
Workforce Safety and Health |
Within the civil construction industry our workforce often interacts with the road environment, moving traffic and heavy machinery in order to deliver our services. We take responsibility to ensure the safety of our workforce. |
Customers Network performance Assets Our people Know-how | Asset Maintenance Asset Upgrades/ Construction | |
Value for Money |
We must make effective use of the funding we receive to deliver our services to the community in the most efficient and effective way possible. |
Customers Financial capital Assets Our people Know-how | Strategic Asset Management | |
Regional Presence and Development |
Maintaining and enhancing regional roads to improve network safety, access and efficiency is a key focus area to ensure we are supporting the local economy and communities in regional locations. Our regional communities often have less access to community services and have a higher proportion of indigenous population. |
Customers Financial capital Assets Our people Know-how | Network Asset Operation | |
Compliance with Environmental Legislation |
Some of our activities are subject to environmental legislation. We may face penalties, reputational damage or loss of stakeholder and community confidence if we do not comply with our obligations. |
Customers Natural resources Assets Our people Know-how Financial capital | Asset Maintenance Asset Upgrades/ Construction | |
Indigenous Heritage and Native Title |
We acknowledge the traditional custodians and aim to protect Aboriginal cultural values whilst acknowledging our infrastructure projects may interface with or disturb culturally sensitive areas. We are committed to making a change in our industry and progressing reconciliation. |
Customers Assets Our people | Asset Upgrades/ Construction | |
Local Communities |
Our works and operations impact on the communities that we live in. Our investments can alter the socio-economic profile by altering traffic flows, localised air quality and impacting community severance. Acquisition of property, construction noise and business continuity impacts are examples of issues our projects carefully manage, and impact our role as good neighbours. |
Customers Assets Our people Know-how | Asset Maintenance Asset Upgrades/ Construction | |
Procurement Practices |
We rely on our supply chain to deliver tasks critical to our overall success. We engage with a large number of suppliers of varying characteristics. We are aware that we can impact the cash flow and solvency of businesses. We also leverage our relationship with our suppliers to deliver priority government policy which includes training, indigenous engagement and supporting local business. |
Customers Natural resources Assets Our people Know-how | Asset Maintenance Asset Upgrades/ Construction | |
Job Creation |
Our investments are considered to have a multiplier effect in respect to job creation. During this unprecedented time and the associated economic ramifications of COVID-19, we’ve been asked to increase our delivery capability as part of an overall strategy to stimulate the creation and maintenance of jobs within the economy. |
Our people Know-how | Asset Upgrades/ Construction | |
Anti-corruption |
We assess all our business units to identify any fraud and corruption risks. All employees are presented information on anti-corruption, policies and procedures. Our organisational spend, extensive program of activities, number of suppliers and large asset base, could increase corruption risks without appropriate mitigation. |
Customers Our people Know-how | Strategic Asset Management | |
Road Building Materials |
Road construction involves the utilisation of naturally occurring and manufactured materials, and the generation of construction and demolition waste. We seek to minimise lifecycle impacts and to be consistent with circular economy principles. This helps to reduce direct and indirect impacts from materials use including gaining access to naturally occurring materials, the use of non-renewable materials such as bitumen, embodied and transport energy, and the release of volatile organic compounds. |
Network performance Assets Natural resources | Asset Upgrades/ Construction | |
Climate Change, Energy and Emissions |
Our road network is exposed to the impacts of climate hazards including bushfires, flooding and storm events and parts of the network are at risk to sea-level rise. Developing, operating and using a road network consumes energy and generates emissions. The predominant impacts from energy and emissions fall outside our direct control arising from use of the network itself. We estimate that the road network generates carbon emissions at a rate of 288.7 t CO2-e per million vehicle kilometres travelled (MVKT). In 2020-21, MVKT was 27,401 and thus emissions were approximately 7.9 mt CO2-e from use of the road network. |
Customers Network performance Assets Our people Natural resources Financial capital | Road Network Use | |
Diversity and Equal Opportunity |
Through our projects and maintenance activities, we work to incorporate diversity and equality targets. Our projects set targets to include a diverse group of people, and we carry this through to supply chains to engage companies with diverse foundations where possible. |
Customers Our people Know-how Financial capital | Strategic Asset Management | |
Open and Transparent Communication |
Timely, accurate and effective communications are imperative to our operations. Not done well it impacts on reputation and confidence in the agency. When delivered well it eases the impact of potential socio-economic changes on communities from our infrastructure investment. |
Customers Our people | Asset Upgrades/ Construction |