Governance and Risk

Risk and Integrity Management

Risk Management

This table shows our principal risks and opportunities aligned against our most important Material Issues and aligned against our Key Resources potentially impacted by those risks.

Risk Theme Material Issues Key Resources

Stakeholder Engagement

  • Inability to manage community and customer expectation
  • Lack of a ‘One Government’ approach to achieving required State Government outcomes
  • Lack of early and ongoing stakeholder engagement
  • Good Public Policy
  • Local Communities
  • Open and Transparent Communication
Customers Our people Know-how Network performance


  • Ineffective recognition and delivery of key government policy requirements
  • Failure to maintain momentum in delivering on Aboriginal engagement commitments
  • Good Public Policy
  • Indigenous Heritage and Native Title
  • Procurement Practices
  • Local Communities
  • Job Creation
  • Diversity and Equal Opportunity
Our people Know-how Customers

Asset Management

  • Failure to deliver a robust Strategic Asset Management approach
  • Road Safety
  • Congestion and Freight Productivity
  • Regional Presence and Development
  • Job Creation
  • Value for Money
  • Open and Transparent Communication
Assets Financial capital Network performance

Resource Management

  • Inability to manage and achieve budget targets
  • Inability to develop and maintain a capable workforce
  • Procurement Practices
  • Local Communities
  • Job Creation
  • Value for Money
Financial capital Our people Know-how

Project Delivery

  • Failure to demonstrate network management in middle of project delivery and in an improving economy
  • Failure to effectively deliver priority project program and required outcomes
  • Road Safety
  • Congestion and Freight Productivity
  • Regional Presence and Development
  • Workforce Safety and Health
  • Job Creation
  • Value for Money
Assets Financial capital Network performance Our people Know-how


  • Failure to adequately and effectively manage cyber security
  • Good Public Policy
  • Anti-Corruption
Our people Know-how
Side view of an auditorium filled with people. Someone is giving a speech and there is a screen behind them. Read the story

Governance and Risk

Inaugural Transport Portfolio Integrity Forum

Business Continuity Management

All Main Roads areas have a Business Continuity Action Plan in place, and function within an overarching business continuity management procedure. Plans ensure that we can respond to, and recover from, any business disruption.

We reviewed our business continuity plans (BCP) to ensure they are appropriate in the event of a widespread loss of staff due to illness or requirements to self-isolate. We continue to strengthen our ability to mobilise resources to operate from non-traditional locations.

Plans are built around our ability to ensure minimisation of consequences from any outage; timely resumption of services; protection of reputation and image; and best allocation of available resources in an effective way. Business continuity management supports the values, principles and corporate focus of our risk management approach.

Last year we had reported that, as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, our BCP had gaps when it came to dealing with a global pandemic. This shortfall has been addressed.

Integrity Framework

Our Integrity Framework aligned with AS8001:2008 represents our commitment to effective risk management of fraud and corruption and to the promotion of a culture of integrity. Features of the Framework include:

  • policies and processes for dealing with fraud and corruption, gifts and benefits, conflict of interest, lobbyists, and misconduct are consolidated and clarified
  • mandatory training, for all employees as part of our induction process, on ethical and accountable decision-making
  • fraud and risk workshops, held in all areas, on identifying risks, controls and treatment actions within business planning and reporting processes
  • a Fraud Detection Plan for detecting and managing fraud and corruption, with regular reporting to Corporate Executive and the Management Review and Audit Committee
  • detection activities, such as testing for potential fraudulent suppliers or for employees with potential undeclared conflicts of interest with suppliers
  • a central fraud and corruption incident register, bringing increased transparency
  • deployment of a Cyber Security Plan and an awareness and information campaign.

The Integrity Framework is available to all employees via our intranet site.

Fraud and Corruption Prevention

We have detection activities and strategic controls in place to prevent the misappropriation of funds and inappropriate use of public property including a comprehensive Annual Audit Plan, Integrity Detection Plan and a Fraud and Corruption Risk Management Cycle. Our Integrity Framework clearly sets out the relevant policies and obligations for all employees with respect to preventing, mitigating, and reporting instances of fraud and corruption.