Governance and Risk

Governing Bodies

Our governance processes and behaviours guide us to achieve our Aspiration, conform to all relevant laws and standards and meet public expectations of probity, accountability, integrity and transparency. Our governance approach also directs and manages our business activities to optimise performance and deliver value. Our governance model shows the relationships between our Minister, Commissioner and Corporate Executive supported by subcommittees.

Infographic showing the governing bodies of minister, commissioner, corporate ex

Corporate Executive

Corporate Executive is our peak decision-making body. Its objective is to ‘set clear strategic direction to deliver government priorities, meet our Aspiration and achieve agreed performance goals.

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Focus areas for Corporate Executive during the past year included:

  • Monitor delivery of critical projects and meet performance targets
  • Identify and monitor treatment actions against critical risks including integrity breaches and cyber crime
  • Champion a culture of diversity and equity
  • Identify future state-wide resourcing requirements and key skills and capabilities
  • Identify new strategic initiatives aligned with Keeping WA Moving
  • Monitor the deployment of activities through the Corporate Business Plan
  • Review and approve sustainability reporting content including material issues and approaches towards Net Zero emissions and climate change impacts

Main Roads has established four executive sub-committees to provide support and guidance for specific aspects of the business.

Management Review and Audit Committee

Our Management Review and Audit Committee ensures appropriate management practices and controls are in place, leading to efficient and effective business performance. It provides independent, objective assurance and advice and reports on a quarterly basis.

Our people Assets Financial capital


  • Assists the Commissioner of Main Roads, the Managing Director and Corporate Executive to ensure that adequate management practices and controls are developed and maintained by all levels of management so as to achieve the efficient and effective business performance of the organisation
  • Keeps informed of the strategic and operational risks and the status of improvement actions (treatment plans), providing any recommendations to Corporate Executive for their consideration
  • Considers audits and reviews of the Management Review and Audit Branch
  • Ensures audits and reviews are in accordance with the Annual Audit Plan
  • Reviews and approves the Main Roads Annual Internal Audit Plan

Independent Member (Chair): Nicki Godecke

Executive Member: Doug Morgan*

Executive Member: Des Snook

*Note: as Doug Morgan was appointed Acting Managing Director from the 15 January 2021, the Executive Member role was assigned to Des Snook Executive Director Metropolitan and Southern Regions over the period 15 January 2021 to 30 June 2021.

Transport Portfolio Member: Andrew Burchfield

Focus areas for the Management Review and Audit Committee during the past year included:

  • Approved and evaluated the delivery of actions against the comprehensive risk based strategic Annual Audit Plan for 2020-21
  • Considered the findings from 38 internal audits
  • Assess Roads Audit Committee practices against the Office of the Auditor General’s Audit Committees – Better Practice Guide for the WA Public Sector
  • Quarterly audit progress reports were discussed and approved
  • Quarterly status reports of audit findings were monitored and approved
  • Quarterly review of strategic risks, key operational risks and fraud and corruption risks and monitor the status of action plans to mitigate the risks
  • Sponsored a Lessons Learnt workshop for Infrastructure Delivery Directorate on common findings from Infrastructure Project financial / commercial audits with a view to improving practice

Budget Committee

Our Budget Committee meets monthly with the objective of ensuring financial management oversight and best use of funds to achieve our strategic outcomes.

Our people Assets Financial capital


  • Peak decision-making body for Financial and Budget Management, Investment Planning, Program Development and Delivery
  • Accountability for
    • Investment Planning
    • Program Development
    • Annual finance and budget performance

Executive Members:

Philip D’Souza (Chair)
Doug Morgan
Belinda Stopic
Des Snook
John Erceg
Tony Earl
Neville Willey

Focus areas for the Budget Committee during the past year included:

  • Future Roads Project (Urban) – Administrative Road Classification Process and Criteria
  • Oversight of the Asset Investment Program to ensure project delivery is on target
  • Oversight of COVID-19 economic stimulus programs and fast-tracked project delivery
  • Oversight of the Regional State Road Safety Improvement Program
  • Oversight of the Road Safety Program WA and ensuring continuity of funding is achieved
  • Oversight and governance of the agency’s financial outcomes and ensure the outcomes stay within the financial targets as set in the agency’s Resource Agreement
  • Identify risk and opportunities in the scope of investment planning, program development, program management and project delivery impacting annual finances
  • Oversight of forecast cost indices used in escalation of Asset Investment Project cashflows
  • Identify risk and opportunities in cashflow management including building relationship with Western Australian Treasury Corporation
  • Improved forecasting and adoption of a Corporate Financial Forecast Benchmark Target
  • Oversight of tender price outcomes on contracts

Corporate Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee

Our Corporate Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee directs priorities and overviews the wellbeing of our workforce and the people who work with us. The committee is chaired by the Manager Communities of Expertise and includes the Safety, Health and Wellbeing Manager.

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  • Presides over safety, health and wellbeing issues from high-level strategy to reviews of individual incidents
  • Acts as a primary occupational safety and health governance channel and reports to Corporate Executive on full time and contracted employees

Executive Members:

Neville Willey
Philip D’Souza
Doug Morgan
Belinda Stopic
Des Snook
John Erceg
Tony Earl
Alan Colegate

Focus areas for the Corporate Safety, Health and Wellbeing Committee during the past year included:

  • Reviewed 2020-23 Safety, Health and Wellbeing Strategic Plan
  • Approved new performance measures and approach
  • Reported on WorkSafe improvement notifications and serious incidents including mitigating actions
  • Updated senior management of proposed work, health and safety legislation
  • Updated Main Roads Mental Health Strategic Framework
  • Reviewed Main Roads framework COVID-19 Safety, Health and Wellbeing Plan
  • Oversight of the Integrated Management System – Safety, Quality and Environment – annual management review
  • Established high level investigation into the prevalence of incidents involving traffic management at worksites

More information on our health and safety activities is included in the Enhancing Safety, Health and Wellbeing section.

Investment Committee

Our Investment Committee is the peak decision-making body for strategic network development strategy and investment planning, and for overseeing development of the Ten-Year Investment Plan.

Assets Network performance Financial capital


  • Review and endorse the long-term Network Development Strategy and Plan (20 Year Horizon)
  • Establish the investment focus and link organisational strategic objectives with outcomes that address defined needs and problems
  • Review and endorse the Ten-Year Investment Plan
  • Review and endorse project priorities for the annual Investment Planning and Budget cycle
  • Approve the allocation of definition and development funding

Executive Members:

Doug Morgan (Chair)
Philip D’Souza
Tony Earl
Leo Coci
Des Snook
John Erceg

Focus areas for the Investment Committee during the past year included:

  • Strategic oversight of high-priority projects, and reporting to the Minister for Transport, for consideration in state and federal budget processes and for submissions for consideration by Infrastructure Australia in the annual refresh of the National Infrastructure Priority List
  • Endorsement of all major and complex project scope of works and cost estimates as part of the decision-making requirements associated with the Budget and Investment Planning Framework.
  • Endorsement of the 2021-22 Strategic Asset Plan
  • Oversight of improvements to the Investment Planning Process