About Us
Linking Strategy, Futures, Innovation and Research
‘Keeping WA Moving’ is our strategic direction; it underpins everything that we do. It defines our Aspiration:
To provide world class outcomes for the customer through a safe, reliable and sustainable road-based transport system
It also clearly outlines our guiding principles and areas of focus as Customers, Movement, Sustainability and Safety. These areas underpin what we do and help us concentrate on delivering what is important.
The future will look different from today, and we remind ourselves of this with a Keeping WA Moving visual representation. While not meaning to accurately predict the future the diagram reminds us that, in carrying out our decision-making, we need to consider potential changes.
Our guiding principles and areas of focus are enduring. In addition to these, we outline strategic initiatives, which are subject to change from year to year. The intent of these is to provide short-term priorities to help shape and guide our strategic direction. Our leadership team reviews them annually and a specific strategic initiative may last only one year, or many years, depending on changing priorities.
Our current strategic initiatives are:
Future Vehicles and Technology
Understanding further impacts of connected and automated vehicles, Intelligent Transport Systems and related technologies by removing barriers for adoption or supporting trials when appropriate. Potentially includes studies, simulations, trials and working groups.
Net Zero Emissions
Helping the transition towards a low carbon and climate resilient Western Australian economy to support the government’s aspiration of net zero emissions by 2050.
Digital Engineering
Creating, capturing and using data from digital methods for engineering purposes. Potentially includes building information modelling, 3D models and visualisations.
Skills and Capabilities
Ensuring that we have the right skills and capabilities to deliver business outcomes now and into the future. Potentially includes succession planning, knowledge management and development programs.
Aboriginal Engagement and Participation
Ensuring that we remain committed to the engagement of Aboriginal peoples, provision of a workplace where Aboriginal cultures and histories are embraced and respected, and full participation in our workforce and supply chain is commonplace. This includes, but is not limited to, direct employment, Aboriginal business procurement and Aboriginal participation in the supply chain.
During the current year we have been monitoring working habit changes – shifts as a direct result of, initially, the COVID-19 pandemic but then, increasingly, due to shifting employee and employer preferences. There is a growing body of evidence that hybrid working models, where people work from both their workplace and home, will increase in popularity post pandemic. These trends are of strategic importance to the transport sector due to potential impacts on public transport and the road network. We will continue to monitor what happens in the Western Australian context to see if there is a need to understand what the impacts might be on our network and how we deliver services.