Our Leadership Team
Corporate Executive is our peak decision-making body with an objective to set clear strategic direction for delivering government priorities and our aspiration.

John ErcegManaging Director BEng(Civ)
John has a wealth of knowledge, earlier holding state-wide responsibility for corporate asset management, as well as regional construction and maintenance delivery strategies, policies, and functions. He has worked throughout the state and has led Heavy Vehicle Services. John has international experience as the Australian representative on the World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee for Road Network Operations. John is a member of the State's Road Safety Council and a Director of Nudge Foundation.

Des SnookChief Operating Officer BEng(Civ)
Des is responsible for regional management and operations delivering regional operations and services from offices located in seven rural regions. The services include asset management, network operations, project management, contract management and customer services. Des is overseeing the transition to delivering maintenance and construction using in-house crews. He also has state-wide responsibility for Heavy Vehicle Services and Crisis and Incident Management.

Leo CociManaging Director Office of Major Transport Infrastructure Delivery BEng (Hon), MBA
Leo brings together major road and rail projects from Main Roads and the Public Transport Authority to one expert delivery hub. Under unified leadership, the teams collaborate and share expertise to bring efficiencies to fast-track priority transport infrastructure projects. Leo is responsible for the procurement and delivery of high-value, complex infrastructure for some of our largest projects across Western Australia creating a culture of project delivery excellence.

Philip D'SouzaActing Executive Director Finance and Commercial Services
Chief Finance Officer BCom(Acctg&Fin), GradCertLdshp&Mgt, CPA
Philip oversees provision of sustainable and innovative financial, investment planning, business, risk management, integrity, and commercial services. He is a member of CPA Australia and the CPA WA Public Sector CFO Network. He is the Executive Reconciliation Action Plan Champion, and he is also the Independent Audit and Risk Management Committee Chair for the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage.

Doug MorganExecutive Director Planning and Technical Services BEng(Elect), MBA
Doug provides leadership in engineering, project development, road planning, environmental services, and spatial data management. He has extensive knowledge in traffic operations and road safety and his role includes responsibility for network planning and road classification across the state. Doug is a board member of the Sustainable Built Environment National Research Centre and serves as an alternate member of the Road Safety Council.

Martine ScheltemaManager Environment BSc (Hons)
Martine provides environmental leadership to the organisation, driving environmental outcomes through systems, procedures, and on-ground actions. Martine has extensive experience in environmental impact assessment, environmental management and leadership and is a member of Austroads Environment and Sustainability Taskforce, the Carnaby's Cockatoo Recovery Team and the Australian Research Centre for Healing Country.

Tony EarlExecutive Director Network Operations Traffic Engineer
Tony leads the Road Network Operations Centre which optimises performance of the state road network. This involves reducing delays and the cost of congestion in the Metropolitan area through improving the movement of people and goods. He has extensive knowledge of Smart Freeways operations and international experience in developing and implementing road network strategies whilst building capability to deliver performance improvements through operational technologies.

Neville WilleyActing Executive Director Human Resources PostGradCertBus, ProfDipHRM
Neville leads and manages the delivery of the human resources function and associated programs to achieve critical business objectives aligned with the organisation's strategic and corporate culture. He brings extensive knowledge in the areas of human resource management, workforce planning and employee relations. He has a strong focus and commitment to build capability, safety and to develop a high performing culture of skilled professionals.

Alan ColegateActing Executive Director Strategy and Communications DipAcc, GradCertLdshp&Mgt
Alan is responsible for corporate strategic planning and policy and the provision of timely, accurate and customer-centred communications and he is also the Executive LGBTQIA+ champion. He represents Australia and New Zealand on the World Road Association (PIARC) Technical Committee on Performance of Road and Transport Administrations. Alan is also Chair of the Board of Directors of Australasian Reporting Awards Ltd.

Belinda StopicActing Executive Director Infrastructure Delivery BEng(Civ&Struct)(Hons), GradCert(Building&ConstrLaw), GradCert(BusMgmt)
Belinda has extensive experience in road and bridge engineering design, construction and project management, multi-skilling across a wide variety of disciplines in government. She has a successful track record for the completion of works through coordinating personnel, developing partnerships, and fostering corporate relationships at all levels of government, as well as collaborating with design houses and construction contractors in the civil construction industry.

James PinningtonActing Director Metropolitan Operations MEng (Elec) (Hons)
James is responsible for ensuring the timely and effective delivery of maintenance activities, asset management and project delivery across the Metropolitan area. He also has responsibility for the delivery of state-wide electrical services, including managing almost 5,000 electrical and intelligent transport systems assets. James has held management roles in the United Kingdom, New South Wales, and Western Australia.

Dennis KickettActing Director Aboriginal Engagement Transport Portfolio BA(SocSc)
Dennis is a collaborative, strategic professional with extensive experience in Aboriginal engagement within government and private industry. He is focused on enhancing the Portfolio's performance in Aboriginal economic participation, cultural recognition, and workplace cultural safety. He represents Western Australia on the Commonwealth Land Transport Infrastructure Governance Working Group, as Senior Responsible Officer. Dennis has traditional ties to the people from the Ballardong and Whadjuk language groups.

Carmelo NasoChief Information Officer BBus(InfoProc), PSM
Carmelo oversees the organisation's diverse technology landscape and provides leadership in ensuring Main Roads remains relevant and contemporary in an ever-changing environment. He has extensive experience and knowledge in leading and managing Information Technology and his role includes management of both corporate and operational systems and infrastructure.
Leadership team changes
We saw significant changes to the leadership team over the past year with the appointment of John Erceg as Managing Director of Main Roads on 5 September 2022. Des Snook was appointed to the newly created position of Chief Operating Officer. Leo Coci was appointed as the Managing Director of the Office of Major Transport Infrastructure Delivery and continues to attend Main Roads Corporate Executive meetings. We said farewell to Peter Sewell who retired after 48 years of service. Martine Scheltema's term as employee representative was extended to December 2023.