Our outcomes

Timely and accurate performance information is crucial for gaining valuable insights and assessing how effective and efficient our services are. In this snapshot, we provide an overview of how we are performing in our key areas of focus.

This is all aligned with our strategic direction Keeping WA Moving and the four strategic areas of focus. For a deeper understanding, throughout the report we have included more information such as multi-year trends and in-depth analysis.


Improve mobility of people and the efficiency of freight

Key Outcomes Sought Results Target Actual Status
Facilitation of economic and regional development Return on expenditure was lower than the target and lower than last year’s result 2.78 2.31
Contracts completed on time exceeded target showing an improvement on last year 90 100
Contracts completed on budget exceeded target showing continued strong performance 90 100
Improved community access and roadside amenity Major flooding events in the Kimberley significantly impacted on network availability 95 75
Contracts completed on budget was below target and lower than previous years' results 90 83
Contracts completed on time is below target but an improvement on last year 90 58
A well-maintained road network Community satisfaction with road maintenance is below target with a small decrease from last year 90 82
Our preventative and proactive maintenance indicator exceeded target 85 89
Average $ cost of network maintenance per lane-kilometre of road network is higher than the target $8,600 $10,232
Reliable and efficient movement of people and goods Road network permitted for use by heavy vehicles B-double - 27.5 m 97 98
Double road train - 27.5 m 97 98
Double road train - 36.5 m 80 82
Triple road train - 53.5 m 45 45
The % of roads that meet network configuration continues to improve 93 94
The % of bridges that meet strength requirements met the agreed target 94 94
Contracts completed on time is below target and lower than last year's results 90 59
Contracts completed on budget is within target showing continued strong performance 90 85
Average $ cost of network management per million vehicle kilometres travelled came in higher than our target $6,800 $7,128


Provide a transport network centred on what our customers need and value

Key Outcomes Sought Results Target Actual Status
Providing a transport network centred on what our customers need and value Community satisfaction with Main Roads is within target with a slight decrease from last year 90 88
We experienced an increase in the number of recipients to our project update emails, this is despite sending fewer project updates 5% increase 14% increase
The target for resolving enquires at first point of contact with our customer information centre was achieved 80 98
A well-maintained road network Community satisfaction with road maintenance is below target with a slight decrease from last year 90 82
Improved community access and roadside amenity Community satisfaction with cycleways and pedestrian facilities slightly decreased from last year 90 86
Provision of a safe road environment Community satisfaction saw a slight decrease from last year 90 89


Provide improved safety outcomes for all users of the transport network

Key Outcomes Sought Results Target Actual Status
Provision of a safe road environment Contracts completed on time came in below target however delivered improved results on last year 90 77
Contracts completed on budget is within our target 90 86
Black Spot location indicator had a slight decrease from last year 7.03 7.09
For information on what we have done to develop a sustainable transport network meeting social, economic and environmental needs go to the Sustainability Chapter.