Our strategy
Updating 'Keeping WA Moving'
Keeping WA Moving was launched in 2015 and sets our strategic direction. It underpins everything we do and defines our aspiration:
To provide world-class outcomes for the customer through a safe, reliable and sustainable road transport system
During 2023 we reviewed our strategic direction using employee focus groups who provided input and recommendations on what, if any changes were needed. The review confirmed that Keeping WA Moving remains relevant and allows us the flexibility to adjust our strategy each year adapting to external changes as they arise. The process recommended two important changes, adding capability as a new strategic area of focus and removing our guiding principles and focussing on our values.
Strategic areas of focus
Our Strategic areas of focus help us to identify and focus on what is important over the long term. The review found that the existing four areas of focus are just as important today as they were in 2015 and help us to reflect on what we deliver, how we deliver it and who we deliver it to. However, the review highlighted that to deliver our services we need to have the right capability, both within Main Roads and our wider industry. This reflects that we are striving to become more inclusive and to ensure that our people are supported and to keep building the skills necessary to thrive as we evolve as an organisation.
Improve mobility of people and the efficiency of freight
Develop a sustainable transport network that meets social, economic, and environmental needs
Provide a transport network centred on what our customers need and value
Develop our people and industry to create a mentally healthy, skilled and inclusive workforce
Provide improved safety outcomes for all users of the transport network
Our values
These are the foundations upon which our organisation is built. They are enduring. They represent our culture, guide our behaviours and influence decision-making and relationships with each other, our customers and partners.
- Roads matter - Taking pride in the state's road network
- Embracing challenge - Anticipating and responding to challenges
- Excellence in customer service - Understanding and delivering what's important to our customers
- Working together - Collaborating to strengthen relationships and achieve good outcomes
- Professionalism - Providing high levels of expertise and acting with integrity
- Family - Respecting and supporting each other, our customers and the community
Keeping WA Moving was relaunched in December 2023 and is summarised in this illustration.

The diagram highlights potential to improve over time, rather than predicting specific futures. It is about making the transport system safer, smarter, more connected, resilient and environmentally cleaner.
Strategic initiatives - shaping our future direction
Keeping WA Moving is designed to be robust and to evolve slowly over time whereas our strategic initiatives provide short-term priorities to help shape and inform our longer-term strategic direction. These are reviewed by our leadership team annually and may last only one year, or many years, depending on changing internal and external priorities. The current strategic initiatives are:
Future transport and technology
Further understanding the impacts of connected and automated vehicles, intelligent transport systems, cybersecurity, digitalisation, artificial intelligence and related technologies by removing barriers for adoption, ensuring technology integration and supporting trials and implementation when appropriate. Potentially includes studies, simulations, trials, working groups.
Net zero emissions and decarbonisation
Helping the transition towards a low carbon and climate resilient WA economy to support the WA Government's aspiration to net zero emissions by 2050. We will proactively support actions to remove carbon emissions from our activities and supply chain where practicable.
Road safety
Incorporate changes to policies, processes, designs and systems management to achieve our commitment to road safety to reduce death and serious injuries on WA roads by at least 50% by 2030 and to eliminate serious trauma by 2050.
Skills and capabilities
Ensuring we have the right skills and capabilities to deliver business outcomes now and into the future. Includes succession planning, knowledge management and development programs for new and existing staff and includes externally focused activities to ensure industry has the capacity to support our works.
Aboriginal engagement and participation
Ensuring we are committed to the engagement of Aboriginal peoples, offering a workplace where Aboriginal cultures and histories are embraced and respected and full participation in our workforce and supply chain is commonplace. This includes, but is not limited to, direct employment, Aboriginal business procurement and ensuring Aboriginal participation in our supply chain.