From the Commissioner

Peter Woronzow
Commissioner of Main Roads
"Returning skills in-house boosts our workforce capability and supports economic development across regional Western Australia"
We have had another year of excellent progress in delivering projects and services to stimulate economic growth, improve infrastructure and services, create jobs, recognise and celebrate heritage and culture, and support a connected, resilient, safe and sustainable transport system. Each year it gives me a great deal of pleasure to be able to share and recognise some of the achievements from across the Portfolio.
In early 2023 the Kimberley region was affected by catastrophic flooding, prompting the creation of an infrastructure resilience program. The first of its kind in Western Australia, the program is investing in projects to build infrastructure resilience, protect supply chains and improve emergency responsiveness in the region. The program's first project - the new Fitzroy River Bridge - was completed six months ahead of schedule reconnecting the East and West Kimberley, just 11 months after the old bridge was destroyed.
The Albany Ring Road, our largest road project ever in the Great Southern opened in May 2024 diverting heavy vehicles around Albany improving safety and efficiency. The road has been named Menang Drive in recognition of the area's Traditional Owners, the Menang Noongar people.
The rise in the number of deaths on our roads is of great concern. The Western Australian Government has committed to continue its significant road safety investment focussing on the sealing of road shoulders and installation of audible edge and centre lines as part of the $1 billion Regional Road Safety Program.
Since October 2022, we have transitioned more than 400 people into Main Roads as we reestablish in-house maintenance teams across the State. Returning these skills in-house is boosting our workforce capability and supporting economic development across regional Western Australia.
The Causeway Pedestrian and Cyclist Bridges Project is taking shape and will be a welcome addition to ease growing pressure on the paths of the existing Causeway Bridge, which are used by more than 3,000 cyclists and pedestrians daily. The Tonkin Gap Project is now complete with additional traffic lanes opened as part of the widening between Dunreath Drive and Collier Road.
We remain on track to achieve our five-year Aboriginal participation and engagement targets over 2021 to 2026. To date, we've awarded almost $620 million in contracts to Aboriginal businesses toward our target of $700 million. We've reached 2.4 million of the targeted 3.5 million work hours for Aboriginal people through capital works, services and maintenance programs.
In other parts of the Portfolio, METRONET, the single largest investment in public transport for Perth, is entering its final 18 months of delivery, having achieved several key milestones during the year.
METRONET is creating long-term legacies for communities across Perth through its Gnarla Biddi Aboriginal Engagement Strategy, Sustainability Strategy and Public Art Strategy, which combine to incorporate local history, culture and identity in planning and design, while meeting current and future community transport needs. The project has also brought train manufacturing back to WA through the local production of new C-Series trains. The inaugural passenger journey of the first locally-built C-Series train was undertaken in April, representing significant progress towards modernising Perth's transit network.
The Department of Transport continued to improve connectivity for our regional and remote communities in 2023-24 through the Regional Airfare Zone Cap (RAZC) scheme. Seventeen regional and remote airports shared in $3 million in Regional Airports Development Scheme grants to upgrade and improve airport facilities. Important regional rail freight infrastructure upgrades continued as part of the $200 million Agricultural Supply Chain Improvements Program. The $113 million Hedland Road and Rail Safety Improvement Program, delivered by Main Roads and BHP, includes new over-road rail bridges, level crossings, roundabouts and service roads that will improve road safety and transport efficiency for the community.
The unveiling of the preferred design for Westport in November 2023, marked a major milestone for the project, which will support trade expansion and the Western Australian economy for the next century.
The Portfolio is contributing to the WA Government’s goal to reduce public sector emissions by 80% by 2030. Our agencies have determined a 2019 – 20 baseline and are identifying opportunities for emissions reduction. Over the next year, a Portfolio Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Strategy will be developed to help realise our vision for a better future through connected, resilient, safe and sustainable transport solutions. This year, our agencies and major project offices continued to prioritise sustainable practices including incorporating recycled materials and progressing water wise outcomes.
As we reflect on the past 12 months, we look ahead to another exciting year heralding a record investment of $13.8 billion in transport infrastructure projects and initiatives announced in the State Budget.
Additional transport infrastructure projects including port, road, rail and maritime will support jobs and economic growth aiding trade and tourism, reducing congestion and better connecting our state.
Our achievements have been made possible through the dedication and effort of staff from across the Portfolio. I thank and congratulate everyone for contributing to delivering our vision for the Western Australian community.