Albany's largest infrastructure project

- Ring road named Menang Drive, recognising local Traditional Owners
- New 11-kilometre heavy haulage freight route around City of Albany
- Traffic flow and safety on existing road network improved
Albany Ring Road, the biggest road infrastructure project undertaken in Great Southern Region, officially opened to traffic in May 2024. In recognition of the Menang Noongar people, the Traditional Owners, the completed ring road has been named Menang Drive.
The $225 million ring road is a free-flowing, 11-kilometre connection between the original section of Menang Drive east of Albany Highway and Princess Royal Drive. The new route includes three new interchanges at Albany Highway, South Coast Highway and Frenchman Bay Road.
Menang Drive now diverts heavy vehicles around the centre of Albany, improving freight efficiency and providing a safe, free-flowing corridor for freight accessing Albany Port. This will help underpin longterm viability of the port and associated jobs, investment and economic opportunities.
Traffic flow and safety on the road network have been improved by reducing the number of heavy vehicles on Albany Highway, South Coast Highway and Chester Pass Road. These roads contain a combination of residential driveways and local accesses, schools, busy shopping centres and bulk retail outlets. They are also the principal routes into Albany for commuters and visitors.
In addition to major road upgrades, the project significantly improved the local cycling network including a new shared path on Frenchman Bay Road bridge. The path will link the Torndirrup Peninsula, home to some of Albany's most spectacular tourist attractions, with the existing network north of the freight rail line.
The project has been heralded as a game changer for contractors and suppliers in the Great Southern Region, investing approximately $54 million in local businesses over a four-year construction period. This includes $6.4 million invested in local Aboriginal businesses and suppliers.
Remaining project works will be carried out over the next financial year and include landscaping work, revegetation and installation of artworks on bridge abutments. An additional shared path connection, linking Hanrahan Road to the existing network, will be delivered by the City of Albany.
Overall efficiency of the area will be further enhanced by a new flyover at the intersection of Menang Drive and Chester Pass Road, following a funding commitment by the Government. The new flyover will give heavy vehicles a non stop connection from Chester Pass Road all the way to the Albany Port. Subject to securing outstanding approvals, site works are expected to begin later in the year.