Word |
Definition |
Bitumen |
A viscous liquid or solid impure mixture, consisting of hydrocarbons and their derivatives, used for road surfacing. It has waterproofing and adhesive qualities. |
Bypass |
An alternative route that enables through-traffic to avoid urban areas. |
Carriageway |
The portion of a road or bridge devoted to the use of vehicles, inclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes. |
Culvert |
One or more adjacent pipes or enclosed channels for conveying a stream below formation level and carrying water under a roadway. |
Drainage |
The removal of water by flow from the ground or from its surface. |
Freeway |
A divided highway for through-traffic with no access for traffic between interchanges and with grade separation at all intersections. |
Highway |
Highways provide connection between capital cities. They are also principal routes between a city and the major producing regions of the State. Highways also service major transport terminals or significant commercial and industrial centres. |
Incidence rate |
The number of Loss Time Injury/Diseases divided by the number of employees * 100. |
Main Road |
A principal road in the road system. |
Median |
A strip of road that separates carriageways for traffic in opposite directions. |
Overlay |
The addition of one or more courses of pavement material to an existing road surface, generally to increase strength, and/or to improve ride quality. |
Overtaking/Passing Lane |
An auxiliary lane provided for slower vehicles to allow them to be overtaken. |
Pavement |
The portion of a carriageway placed above the levelled surface or earth or rock for the support of, and to form a running surface for, vehicular traffic. |
Realignment |
A change in the geometric form of the original centre-line of a carriageway with respect to the vertical and horizontal axes. |
Seal |
A thin surface layer of sprayed bitumen. |
Severity Rate |
The number of LTI/Ds that resulted in 60 days or more lost, divided by the total number of LTI/Ds *100. |