Being clear and unambiguous about the organisation’s structure, operations and performance, both externally and internally, and maintaining a genuine dialogue with, and providing insight to, legitimate stakeholders and the market generally.

Our Governance Model

Our corporate governance model directs and manages our business activities to optimise performance, achieve regulatory compliance and deliver value for customers. The model and processes align values-driven management, which enables us to govern with integrity, accountability and transparency.

Our Governance Model shows the relationships between our Minister, Commissioner, Managing Director and members of Corporate Executive.

Governance Model


Strategic Direction

Keeping WA Moving is an outcome focussed strategic direction that looks ahead towards the achievement of a desired future state. It is underpinned by our aspiration, guiding principles and four strategic areas of focus – customers, movement, safety and sustainability. These areas of focus are about delivering value and meeting the future needs of our customers. They recognise the roles that our Portfolio partners play and our role in helping to achieve an integrated transport solution to create an efficient and user friendly State-wide transport network.

Key reasons for refreshing our direction:

Clarity of Main Roads Strategy

Clarity of Main Roads Strategy

Create confidence for us to meet the future needs of transport in WA

Changing Landscape

Changing Landscape

Ensure we have accounted for all the new possibilities and opportunities that are transforming the transportation landscape

Current Workforce Capability

Current Workforce Capability

Ensure our workforce capability and capacity is aligned to our needs

Cost Pressures

Cost Pressures

There will be increasing cost pressure on Main Roads

Transport Portfolio

Transport Portfolio

Continue to improve relationships within the Transport Portfolio

External Engagement

External Engagement

Ensure we understand our customer needs

Annual Report

Our annual reporting is based on a full, open and transparent approach to reporting our operational and financial performance. It informs the public on our performance, expenditure of public funds and of any significant issues. As only limited copies of the hard copy report are produced, an online version is available on our website.

We received a Gold Excellence Award for our 2014 report at the Australasian Reporting Awards and were recognised as a Finalist for Sustainability Reporting in the Public Sector. We also won a Gold Award from the Institute of Public Administration WA for agencies with more than 1,000 employees.

Integrated Management System

Our Integrated Management System brings together our systems and processes into one framework. It:

  • provides consistency in how we plan and manage projects, contracts, supply, environment, and occupational health and safety
  • clarifies roles and responsibilities
  • ensures that our processes procedures and policies align with our business activities
  • promotes a culture of continuous improvement

It is certified by an external body which verifies that we follow our documented processes based on quality management principles.

Equal Assurance provides third-party auditing services for Main Roads management system certification.

Current Certification



Quality Management System AS/NZS ISO 9001:2015

Project Management

Contract Management



Environmental Management System


Safety, Health and Wellbeing Management System
AS/NZS 4801:2001

Safety, Health and Wellbeing

We completed the surveillance audit for the third-party certification in June 2015. The audit findings confirmed that we are on track to achieve re-certification mid-2016.

Internal Audit

Comprehensive systems of internal controls ensure an appropriate division of responsibilities to safeguard our assets and financial interests. Our internal audit function provides independent, objective assurance and consulting activities reporting to the Management Review and Audit Committee chaired by the Managing Director. Our Management Review and Audit Charter identifies the responsibility of the function to provide the Managing Director and Corporate Executive with:

  • objective constructive and independent assessments of the extent to which
    • we manage financial, human, intellectual and physical resources with regard to economy, efficiency and effectiveness
    • we reasonably serve accountability relationships
  • assurances as to the reliability of accounting and financial management information and the protection of assets and resources under control
  • assessment of our compliance with legislation and relevant policies and procedures
  • assessment of audit reports issued by the Office of the Auditor General and their relevance and impact
  • independent and confidential advice on remedial action to improve operational effectiveness, efficiency and economy
  • progress reports regarding remedial action taken by line management.

Statutory Audit

The annual independent external audit on controls, compliance and assurance is carried out by the Auditor General of Western Australia, in accordance with the Auditor General Act 2006. The Auditor General’s opinion is addressed to both Houses of the Parliament of Western Australia and includes an audit of our financial statements, controls and key performance indicators. These audits provide an independent opinion on whether our financial statements are true and fair, and in accordance with the Australian Accounting Standards and the Treasurer’s Instructions.