Program Expenditure

$123 million

Program Expenditure

Government Goal

State building – major projects.


Expand the road network in accordance with State and Commonwealth transport and land use strategies to support the State’s economic and regional development.

About the Program

The program includes most expansion, major infrastructure and bypass projects – predominately the most complex works we deliver.

Key Performance Indicators

Average return on construction expenditure

Average return on
construction expenditure

Target 90%

Contracts completed on time

Contracts completed
on time

Target 90%

Contracts completed on budget

Contracts completed
on budget

Target 90%

Key Projects


Total Project Cost

($ million)

2014-15 Cost

($ million)

Completion Date


Metropolitan Region

Mitchell Freeway Burns Beach to Hester Avenue



Mid 2017

Six kilometre extension in both directions with associated works including several new interchanges and principal shared paths

NorthLink WA




Construction of a new 37km highway link between the junction of Reid Highway / Tonkin Highway and Great Northern Highway / Brand Highway at Muchea

Roe Highway / Berkshire Road - Interchange



March 2016

Construct a grade separated interchange and install noise / screen walls

Wheatbelt Region

Great Northern Highway Bindi Bindi Curves



February 2015

Realign and widen

Looking Ahead

  • Mitchell Freeway (Burns Beach to Hester Avenue) extension of freeway.
  • North West Coastal Highway (Minilya to Barradale) widening and construct 2 bridges.
  • Northlink (Swan Valley Bypass Section) Construct new link.
Case Study

Case Study

Filling the Missing Link

The $1.6 billion Perth Freight Link project provides the missing link in the Perth Urban Transport Corridor by connecting Perth’s industrial areas with the Fremantle Port.

Case Study Body

Perth Freight Link is the 85km strategic freight route between Fremantle Port and Muchea. The route consists of a number of major road corridors most of which have been planned to support growth in the Perth Metropolitan and is a key strategic element within the Metropolitan Region Scheme. Together with the $1 billion Gateway WA project, the $1.12 billion Northlink WA project, Perth Freight Link is a key enabler of the State’s future economic growth.

With current and predicted population growth in Perth’s south-west corridor, rises in vehicles per household and increased growth in freight action must be taken. When Roe 8 (Section One) and the Fremantle Link (Section Two) of Perth Freight Link are complete critical improvements will have been delivered to Perth’s south-west urban transport network. Congestion from population-driven vehicle growth and increasing freight movements will have been eased and safety for commuters will be greatly improved.

On the ground works for Roe 8 are scheduled to commence in 2016 and be completed by mid 2019 with some infrastructure due to open in mid 2017. During construction the Perth Freight Link project will generate approximately 2,400 direct jobs, creating a positive multiplier effect for local businesses in Fremantle and surrounding suburbs.

WA’s freight transport plays a major role in creating and maintaining the State’s international competitiveness and its prosperity, and in meeting the lifestyle expectations of our community. This project will result in fewer trucks on urban roads, reduced traffic congestion, improved safety for all road users, significant freight productivity improvements, lower emissions and reduced noise.

The combined Perth Freight Link road projects are the largest road infrastructure projects ever to be undertake in Western Australia