Our Value Creation Model

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We have continued to explore and seek to explain how we create value through the lens of the International Integrated Reporting <IR> Framework. We have identified seven capitals that reflect the key resources that are inputs to our business. This business model reflects the achievement of our Aspiration through Keeping WA Moving, our strategic direction, which in turn drives the delivery of our services to the community resulting in the value we create through our activities.


Improve mobility of people and the efficiency of freight 


Provide a transport network centred on what our customers need and value


Provide improved safety outcomes for all users of the transport network


Develop a sustainable transport network that meets social, economic and environmental needs

Our Aspiration

We aspire to provide world class outcomes for the customer through a safe, reliable and sustainable transport system.

Our Values

Are the foundation upon which our organisation is built. They represent our culture, guide our behaviours, influence decision-making and influence relationships with each other, our customers and partners. 

Roads matter

Taking pride in managing the road network for the benefit of the community. 

Excellence in customer service

Understanding and providing what is important to our customers

Working together

Enhancing relationships and teamwork

Embracing challenge

Anticipating and taking up challenges


Providing high levels of expertise in delivering our services


Respecting and supporting our customers, the community and each other 

Value Chain

Our value chain demonstrates the primary activities in our business model and indicates where our most significant economic, environmental or social impact or value occurs. We have included in this model an additional dimension showing the interactions as we transition from activities within our organisation, through to recognising the importance of the relationships we have with our suppliers, stakeholders and the community and ultimately the customer impact or value creation outcome.

Strategic Asset Management

Corporate, policy, funding and project planning 

Network Asset Operations

Operation of road network 


Maintenance of the road network

Asset Upgrades / Contruction

Deliver public roads infrastructure

Network Use

Use of the road network itself

Within organisation

Through relationships

Customer impact