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Principle 5: Ethics and Integrity

Ethical and Responsible Decision Making

To support ethical and responsible decision making, Corporate Executive is supplied with appropriate information in a timely fashion before meetings. This information consists of monthly financial management information; quarterly data related to the identification and management of risk; organisational performance information through the provision of a monthly Key Performance Indicator Scorecard; status reports for each Directorate; OSH Status Reports and Quarterly Standing Reports from each sub-committee. Each member of Corporate Executive has an annual business plan for their own Directorate, which is linked to the Corporate Business Plan and the Strategic Plan. The Managing Director has a performance agreement with the Director General Transport and other members of the Corporate Executive have Individual Development Plans with the Managing Director.

In addition, we continue to deliver mandatory training in Accountability and Ethical Decision Making to all employees. This has been successful in raising awareness to the importance of decision making in aspects of our business.

Our Values and Code of Conduct

We have well established values and a Code of Conduct that guides the way we work. This is the essence of values-based management and all of our employees are required to uphold our values and comply with the Code. Corporate Executive and senior managers are also required to promote the values. Our values form the foundation upon which Main Roads is built and represent our organisational culture, guide our behaviours, and influence decision making processes and relationships with each other, our customers and partners.

Corruption Prevention

Main Roads has strategies in place to prevent the misappropriation of funds and inappropriate use of public property that include a comprehensive Annual Audit Plan that provides a balanced mix of Financial, Operational and Information Technology audits. In addition, Risk Management is considered an integral part of the annual business planning approach and risks are managed and monitored at all levels.

Conflicts of Interest

Each member of Corporate Executive is required to sign a representation memorandum addressed to the Managing Director which includes a section on personal interests in Main Roads' contracts. The Chief Finance Officer, Managing Director and Accountable Authority then sign a Management Representation Letter to the Auditor General addressing various categories including Internal Controls and Risk Management.

Other than normal contracts of employment of service, no senior officers, firms of which senior officers are members, or entities in which senior officers have substantial interests, had any interests in existing or proposed contacts with Main Roads.