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case study

Case Study 1

The Big Meet

Main Roads is represented at a wide range of careers expos and fairs across the State each year as we seek to attract young professionals and future leaders to our organisation. Primarily, we target career fairs to provide students with an understanding of the potential careers available in their fields and the wide range of opportunities that are accessible to them.

Our existing Development Employees attend these events to support and provide tangible examples of work and life at Main Roads by sharing their experiences with those who are setting up careers in similar fields.  It is important for students to hear about the engaging and valuable work they can be involved in and hearing this first hand from former students is invaluable.  Students tend to enjoy hearing from people who have participated in the programs because many of them are seeking a potential career where they will be contributing to innovative developments in their field, and where they will be highly motivated and supported in their role with a future that can deliver on their aspirations.

Some of the expos we participated in this year have included the Careers Education and Employment Expo, South West Careers Expo, Port Hedland Senior High School, Engineers Australia Face to Face Young Engineers Expo, ECU Engineering Expo, Curtin Careers Fair, Worldly Women, The Big Meet and Skills West.

We are also working with the University of Western Australia to run a civil engineering practice unit for final year students. This provides students an insight into skills required in the successful delivery of technical processes in building infrastructure.

Our programs offer excellent leadership learning and development, mentoring, and rotation opportunities which greatly benefit young leaders and provide an opportunity to develop a broad range of competencies. Rotations also form the foundation for future careers and ensure the successful transition of student to Graduate to future leader.  Each year we endeavour to attract applicants and raise awareness of our Development Employee Programs ready for our annual recruitment drive throughout the community, schools and universities where we promote the opportunities available to students and graduates. For more information on development opportunities, visit our website.

the big meet

Managing Director, Menno Henneveld addresses students at the University of WA